What could be more fun than a dinosaur fact? A dinosaur joke!

Dinosaurs may be ancient history, but they come to life in the imagination! Kids love dinosaurs, and what better way to get them laughing than with some funny dinosaur jokes? These prehistoric creatures offer plenty of opportunities for hysterical laughter, from puns to silly one-liners. So gather the troops around a campfire (or the dinner table) and get ready to share some laughs – Here are some of the best dinosaur jokes for kids that will have them roaring with laughter!

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10 Dinosaur Jokes

Why did the Tyrannosaurus Rex Go to the store around the holidays?
To get DINO-mite deals!

Why did the raptor cross the road?
Because chickens weren’t around yet!

What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
A dino-snore!

What came after the dinosaur?
Its tail!

What type of food do dinosaurs eat?
Anything they want, they’re REX-TREMELY powerful!

How many dinosaurs can you fit in an empty box?
Just one, after that, it isn’t empty.

What do you call a group of meat-eaters with powerful voices?
A Tyranno-chorus!

How can you tell if a dinosaur is in your fridge?
Easy, the door won’t close.

Scientists discovered a new dinosaur that is very intelligent.
It’s called a thesaurus!

Come Christmas, what is a dinosaur’s least favorite reindeer?

I hope you got a laugh at the expense of our extinct friends, the dinosaurs. They don’t mind.


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