This is a Thanksgiving activity for children to play leading up to the holiday. ‘Roll a Plate’ is a game centered around building a healthy dinner.
To play, simply print out the (2) 8-1/2 x 11 sheets and retrieve a single die. Roll the die six times and draw the results on your dinner plate. The activity simulates making a nutritious Thanksgiving dinner plate with various side dishes and main courses. Children can learn about foods from different food groups, including vegetables, proteins, and starches.
The popularity of ‘Roll a Monster’ and ‘Roll a Spooky Story’ encouraged me to design a new roll and write game in a similar style. I gained inspiration from the work of other game designers and developed a few original concepts.

Preparing for Thanksgiving by Teaching Children to Eat Healthily
Encouraging children to learn about healthy eating habits doesn’t have to be a chore. Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to teach them about nutrition and enjoy healthy treats together as a family.
Start by teaching your children about different food groups. Show them examples of foods that are good for them and explain what each food does for their bodies. Then, make it fun by preparing a creative, colorful plate of food. Talk about how each food item helps keep them healthy and energized throughout the day.
Please share with your children stories about why eating well is necessary, like how it gives them the energy to run and play or helps them concentrate better in school. For example, a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help children focus on their studies and perform better academically.
Let your children take part in the meal-planning process. First, have them pick out recipes they want to try or even help create their own. Then, ask them to come up with different ways to incorporate the food groups into meals that are both delicious and nutritious.
Finally, make sure you’re serving Thanksgiving dinner in appropriate portions. Children may not need as much of a particular food group as adults, so be mindful of how much they eat. Set an example for your children by choosing the healthier option for mealtime.
Teaching children healthy eating habits can be a rewarding experience, and Thanksgiving is an excellent time to start. With a bit of imagination and effort, you can help ensure your family follows a balanced diet while still enjoying all their favorite dishes.
I hope this free printable game helps facilitate your discussion about healthy eating!
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